Admissions and Appeals

Welcome to Peareswood Primary School and thank you for your interest in educating your child at our school.

The following notes are designed to provide guidance on enquiries or applications for places. Woodland Academy Trust is the admission authority for the schools within the Trust and the allocation of school places has been delegated to the Local Authority School Admissions Teams.

Watch our video of our wonderful school to find out what Peareswood Primary has to offer your child. Click the below image to view our video. 

Click below to view our information about any current spaces and upcoming open days.

Open Day Dates 2024-2025

Click below to read our admissions arrangements


Admissions - Arrangements - 2025 - 2026.pdf


Details of the consultation on admissions arrangements for 2026-2027, can be viewed on the 'Consultation on Admissions Arrangements 2026-2027' page in the Key Information tab of our website.

Please note the 2022/2023 Admission Policy has been updated in line with the requirements of the new School Admissions Code which came into force on 1 September 2021. Changes to the policies have been made to clarify the key issues around the admissions for vulnerable children, in-year admissions and Fair Access Protocols.

We welcome visits to our school before application and are flexible in trying to ensure you can look around at a mutually convenient time. Please telephone the school office to make an appointment. If possible, we will try to arrange for a member of the Senior Leadership Team to be available for further questions.

Applications for Reception places at our school will be made in accordance with the Bexley Council coordinated admission arrangements.

Information about school is displayed on our website. The school will use the timetable specified by the Local Authority each year and published annually to parents for admissions of pupils to primary schools. For detailed information, please check the Local Authority website.

In year admissions (those that take place to all other year groups) are made as places become available.

We do currently have some spaces available at our school and welcome enquiries. Formal applications can be made to Bexley selecting your school of choice. Please contact the school office for further information.

Applications are considered for reception places annually. For ‘in year’ admissions, applications are considered as soon as a place becomes available. 

Waiting lists are maintained by the Local Authority and all enquiries should be made to them. Children on waiting lists are ranked according to the priority they have under the published admission arrangements. Waiting lists do not operate on a ‘first come first served’ basis; if new applicants have a higher priority, they will be ranked higher than those who have been on the list for some time.

Please click the below link to in year admissions information:

London Borough of Bexley

Each September, parents/carers of children in Year 6, are able to apply for secondary school places for the following year.

For detailed information, please check the Local Authority website.

Parents/carers who are not offered a place for their child will be entitled to appeal to an independent committee under the provisions of the:

School Standards and Framework Act, 1998.

A service level agreement has been taken out with Local Authority Independent Appeals Services and Clerks Associates to carry out the role of clerk to administer appeals hearings.


Click below for the Admissions Dates and Appeals timetable:

Admissions Dates Appeals Timetable 2024-2025