Parents & Carers

At Peareswood Primary School, we believe that strong, effective relationships with parents and carers is in the best interests of our children. We understand that our parents and carers know their child best; what engages and motivates them, their strengths, passions and interests. By combining parents’ knowledge of their child with staff’s expertise in teaching and learning, we can ensure the best outcomes for our children.

Our school values the relationship it holds with the whole school community, and actively seeks to provide opportunities for these relationships to flourish. We seek to involve parents and carers in their children’s learning and education by sharing information about the curriculum that they are participating in.  As part of the curriculum philosophy, parents and carers are invited to help celebrate a new topic by preparing for Big Bang Days, sharing a curriculum overview which sets out a term’s learning and, ending in a celebration of learning whereby parents and carers are invited into the school for Pride Time during three points within the school calendar.  

We encourage parents and carers to tell us what support they feel they need and aim to provide information, whether through our newsletter, curriculum overviews or workshops.  Furthermore, parent consultation evenings provide an opportunity for parents and carers to learn more about their child/ren’s social/emotional and learning progress throughout the academic year.  

Question Strongly Agree/Agree Parent and Carer Comments
My child is happy at school. 87% My child comes home happy and tells me what he has been doing at school. I am happy with the school. My child loves going to school every day. The teachers are very supportive.
My child feels safe at this school. 93% I have never heard my child express any fear about attending school. The school takes bullying seriously.
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved. 81% There is a good level of discipline in the school. Students are respectful towards each other. The school has a clear anti-bullying policy. I appreciate how quickly the school responds to incidents. 
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year. 88% I receive regular updates about the curriculum. The school provides a yearly overview of topics.
My child has SEND and the school gives them the support they need to succeed. 88% I am grateful for the extra support my child receives. The teachers are very understanding of my child's needs.
My child does well at this school. 86% My child's grades have improved since attending this school. I see my child more engaged in their studies.
The teacher lets me know how my child is doing. 87% I receive regular reports and feedback. parent-teacher meetings are informative.
There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school. 83% My child is excited about the subjects offered. The variety of subjects cater to different interests. 
I would recommend this school to another parent. 82% This school has a great reputation in the community. I have had a positive experience overall.


Other Comments.

'I always get a prompt response to my emails' 

'The staff are very approachable and helpful.'

'I see my child striving to meet the challenges set.'

'The school encourages students to do their best.'

'My child enjoys participating in sports and art.'

'The extracurricular options are excellent.'

'Lovely school- staff are very approachable and dedicated to children's welfare/education/development.'

'My child has grown in confidence since joining.'

'The school emphasizes life skills.'


We welcome parent and carers who may wish to further support our children more widely by providing regular support in the classroom, for example with reading or learning activities. We value particular knowledge, skills or expertise that many parents can provide to the benefit of our children, further broadening their experiences and aspirations.

If you would like to volunteer your time, please do contact the school office to speak to our Community Liaison Officer.

Our school is very fortunate to have a dedicated, enthusiastic and tireless PTFA who are current parents and carers of children in our school. Friends of Peareswood work in partnership with the Headship Team and our Community Liaison Office, to raise funds to support the school. The funds are used to enhance all the children's educational experiences by financing additional programmes and equipment.

Friends of Peareswood host fundraising events and initiatives throughout the school year, the proceeds of which are reinvested back into Peareswood Primary School. All our events and initiatives are made possible by parent volunteers.

If you would like to enquire about supporting the PTFA, please get in touch with our Community Liaison Officer or use the enquiry form on our Contact Us page.