Comments about our school

Thank you so much for you and your staff's time and attention during Bett Week. It was truly inspiring what our stakeholders could experience, and I think your passion and commitment to the kids and to your staff is extraordinary!

Tatjana Sczerba, Apple Austria - 9th February 2025

What a nice school with very enthusiastic teachers and pupils. Very good to see how you work and use Tech in the classes to help pupils with learning and reducing workload for teachers. Loved to see the kids at work and the presentation of the headteacher. It was a good programme for us to follow, I've become very enthusiastic and inspired. What nice people and a school to be proud of, a treat to be here.

Bett Week Visitor from Netherlands -  23rd January 2025

Amazingly good, organised school. Very sweet and amazing children.

Bett Week Visitor from Netherlands - 23rd January 2025

Be proud of what you have achieved as a school. A big thank you to all the children for their fantastic effort and to the dedicated team of teachers and staff for making it all possible. We truly loved visiting your school.

Bett Week Visitor from Netherlands - 23rd January 2025

Thank you so much for sharing you journey with us. It was wonderful experiencing how change and digitalisation positively influences your school and its kids! Congratulations for the marvellous job you all do.

Bett Week Visitor from Austria - 23rd January 2025

It is really inspiring. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into our visit. It was great to see how you really care about the learning of your students.

Bett Week Visitor from Austria - 23rd January 2025


Wonderful to see such passionate teachers and engaged kids. Great to see what impact technology can make for teaching and learning. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this.

Bett Week Visitor from Austria - 23rd January 2025

On behalf of Shaftesbury Court I would like to share my gratitude for the kids performance yesterday. Witnessing how amazingly the children took to the residents it would be great to do some more activities with them. Again thank you so much for sharing your time yesterday and well done to all the pupils.

Frankie Taylor - Shaftesbury Court care home. 

Dear Mrs Abbott, Thank you very much for the warm welcome. It was a pleasure meeting you as well, and we were both very pleased to visit Peareswood Primary yesterday morning. I am truly grateful that my child has been accepted into your school, as she is already very happy to be a part of it. Thank you again for all your help. I look forward to a wonderful year for my child at Peareswood.

Parent of a new Year 1 Child.

Thank you so much for the time yourself and the team gave us. It was so emotional to see the impact you have made to the fabulous children you have within your school. Please extend my thanks to the rest of your leadership team, including Carla and Debbie who were amazing and obviously to the children. They are an asset to the school, but also to us at Apple to have such wonderful children using our technology to achieve their goals and aspirations

Matthew Cocks- Director-WW Education Sales- Apple- 1st October 2024.

On behalf of myself and the Ootiboo team, please can I share our thanks for being so welcoming yesterday as we started our series of workshops on "The Healthiest Unicorn"! Your pupils were an absolute credit to you and your team - incredible manners and engagement and a joy to teach :)

Louise Chalkley, Children's University Officer and Strategic Education Partnership Manager - 6th June 2024

Just reflecting how amazing all staff and children were once again across the whole school during today's visit. The wonderful comments from the two visitors really does go to show the power of the work that is being done at PWP. I know there have been so many times people have asked to visit recently in particular so I just wanted to say a huge thank you and well done to the whole team- the feedback we received each time about how inspired everyone is when they see what is being done is true testament to dedication of each and every member of staff. 

Daniel Davies, Trust Digital Lead - 6th June 2024

 Thank you for all your continued hard work on the digital strategy, and for hosting our Danish guests this morning. They were impressed with the high levels of engagement seen across all the classes- one of the visitors said he has been to many schools in England and Denmark, and that PWP was the first school he had seen where every single child was engaged. He said this was a testament to your relationship with the children, the expectations and scaffolding, and approaches in place.

Julie Carson- DOE-27th March 2024

I would like to thank Mr Deacon and Mrs Ferla for my work experience placement. This has greatly helped me in my endeavours and greatly boosted my ambition for teaching. This experience has shown me how a well-run school should be controlled and how to teach a class effectively so everyone no matter their skill level will understand and learn, I loved every minute working at Peareswood. This is a great establishment to work at.

Year 10 pupil at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys- 15th March 2024

Just wanted to say a big thank you for organising the rock kidz workshop last week. Everyone was buzzing talking about it- the kids and the parents. It was great to be able to share the videos on Facebook and recommend it to all my friends that work in schools. I love it that my kids go to a school that embraces things like this, so thank you from all of us!

Parent of children in Year 6 and Year 1- 12th March 2024

Firstly I want to send my thanks to Year 4 for letting me be part of the school trip on Tuesday. The children were exceptionally well behaved and were excellent ambassadors for Peareswood Primary School. Secondly, I'd like to pass on my thanks to Mr Deacon for running a tight ship, he is a real asset to the school and I had a great admiration for how well he dealt with the children.

Mr Simmons- School Parent- 25th January 2024

Thank you as well Carla! How lovely to be part of a school where members of staff feel so valued and supported. This being the 3rd school I've worked in, I can hand on my heart say PWP is truly the best!

Toni Kenward- School Teaching Assistant- 17th January 2024

Today PWP hosted a visit from Al Kingsley, who is widely known in the edtech world. He is very experienced in the wider education field too, having spent a significant amount of time as a Governor and Trustee, and visiting schools across the world. He thoroughly enjoyed his visit to PWP this morning, not just for the UDL approach, but for the wider education impact too – so much so, he is going to put one of the schools from where he is a Trustee in touch with you in order to share your approach to teaching phonics. He commented on the wonderful atmosphere in the school, and the high engagement of the learners, including their willingness to articulate their learning and why they were using that chosen approach. 

Julie Carson- Director of Education- 14th November 2023

I was really pleased with the engagement levels of the children and their keenness to do the work.

Neil Zetter- Poet- 27th September 2023

All the children were very engaging and responded positively to my book reading and questions. They particularly enjoyed the interactive moments when we used our imaginations to recreate elements of the story together. I noticed how keen they were to understand the story and how ready they were to offer suggestions about what they enjoyed about reading together. It was great fun!

Louise Fitzgerlad- Children's Author- 20th September 2023

Just wanted to say there' s some lovely comments on the children's 'all about me' section of the ILPs, one of them has said their aspiration is to be a Kindness Superhero, and another has said their aspiration is be a House Champion :)  Just goes to show these things mean a lot to the children!

Josh Benham- Year 1 Class Teacher- Digital Lead- Apple Portfolio Teacher- 12th November 2023

Great to meet you and thank you so much for showing me around your wonderful school, it was genuinely inspiring to see all the ways that you are using the technology to enhance teaching and learning, it’s been the highlight of my week, and everyone involved should be double proud'

Charlie Place- Education Consultant with Sync- 2nd November 2023

What a happy, calm, and safe place your school is! It was a delight to talk with so many of your staff and pupils and to learn a little more about your journey with technology and UDL.

Kate Cheal- Leadership Executive - Education Team- Apple - 30th November 2023

'Thank you so much for inviting myself and Kate to visit your school and see the wonderful ways in which your students are learning supported by technology. It was evident that you and the team have been focused on raising the opportunities that technology can play. Moreover, the tangible warm and accepting environment was a joy to witness.'

Vickie Bacon- Lead APLS (UKI)

'I visited every class today. As usual, the children were so well behaved in every single class, especially as it was first thing on a Monday! I am always so impressed every time I visit. Even those I saw and spoke to in corridors etc were so polite and friendly. But I also want to mention the staff, including your good self, who are always so welcoming even when they are in the middle of the lesson.'

Mark Pigott- PCSO - 9th January 2023

'The school is like one big family where people from different backgrounds all get on.’

Year 5 pupil